MyComponents 2005
KLone Embedded Web Server 1.2.0
KLone, an open-source (GPL) Embedded Web Server. A fully-featured, multiplatform, web application d...
zaSFTP 1.6.0
SFTP, or secure FTP, is a program that uses SSH to transfer files. Unlike standard FTP, it encrypts ...
Embedded Speech Synthesis Kit 1.0
Embedded Windows CE SAPI 5.0 TTS Developers Kit is your complete Embedded Speech Synthesis or Text T...
SQL Server Database Recovery 5.5
Want to recover SQL Server database? This SQL Server Database Recovery tool has the ability to recov...
Embedded Speech Recognition Kit 1.0
Embedded Windows CE SAPI 5.0 Developers Kit is your complete Embedded Speech Recognition or Speech T...
UML StateWizard Pro 1.62
Just like Visual C++ ClassWizard, UML StateWizard provides a UML state machine programming mechanism...
ScimoreDB Embedded Database 2.0
ScimoreDB embedded database is an in-process running SQL database with over 375.000 deployments that...
XBundler 1
XBundler is a special plug-in for Themida and WinLicense that allows Dynamic Link Libraries (Win32 D...
VistaDB 3 3.5
VistaDB 3 database engine was developed in C# specifically for Microsoft .NET Framework, Compact Fra...
License Activation and Validation Proxy 1.6.0
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server handles license activation requests and forward to an...
Win/CE Std Serial Comm Lib for eVC 3.4
Serial communication component Win/CE library (WSC4eVC) for serial port communications from embedded...
LSP tutorial 1.0
Tutorial for the Lua programming language and web-development using LSP. Lua Server Pages, LSP for ...
New to the FastReport report generation tools product suite, FastReport Server is a powerful enterpr...
Modern PDF Server 1.02
The software installs as a virtual print driver, which allows users to click the print button in any...
Print Logger Pro
Print Logger - program for the accounting of use of the printer for a Windows NT platform. Represen...
123Tag 4.01
123Tag is an easy-to-use and effective Tag editor and file renamer for MP3,MP4,WMA and many other au...
Get The Pictures 1,16
With Get The Pictures it is possible to extract embedded and / or linked pictures out of websites or...
HsTCPIPv4 - Embedded TCP IP Protocol Stack 1.0
HsTCPIPv4 - Embedded TCP IP Protocol Stack. HsTCPIPv4 is a suite of cross platform ANSI C source co...
License Generation and Activation Server 1.6.5
License4J Auto License Generation and Activation Server is a web application which handles auto lice...
Ozeki VoIP SIP .NET SDK allows to develop Silverlight SIP softphone to make web to SIP calls. The p...
GetPDF Web Server Edition allows your web clients to create PDF files from any printable document. I...
GetPDF Report Server 3.00
GetPDF Report Server Edition allows your terminal users to create PDF files from any printable docum...
DWebPro 8.4.4
DWebPro is an application conceived for distributing dynamical web sites on CD/DVD. It is distribute...
HTML Scripting Pages is a client side, ASP compatible scripting plug-in DLL for Internet Explorer. H...
Win/CE Std Serial Comm Lib for eVB 3.3
The Windows/CE Standard Serial Communications Library for eVB (WSC4eVB) is a serial port communicati...
GetPDF Terminal Server Edition allows your terminal users to create PDF files from any printable doc...
GetPDF Intranet Server Edition allows your intranet users to create PDF files from any printable doc...
MultiGrabber 3.63
Use MultiGrabber to save multimedia files embedded in a web page - quickly and conveniently. Save pi...